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Everything You Need to Know About Hair Loss

Experiencing hair loss is extremely common. It is believed that humans lose about fifty to a hundred strands of hair on a daily basis. However, if you are experiencing abnormal hair loss and can notice severe thinning of hair or balding in certain spots, it might be time to do a little research and uncover the reasons why you are losing hair. There are many different reasons for hair loss, ranging from genetics to abrasive treatment of hair. Continue reading to uncover everything you need to know about hair loss and what preventative measures you can take.

Three Cycles of Hair Growth & the Types of Hair Loss:

The three cycles of hair growth are known as the anagen, catagen, and telogen phases. The anagen phase accounts for about 85% to 90% of the hair you have on your head. This growing phase lasts between two to eight years. The next phase known as the catagen phase can be considered as the transitioning phase in the hair growth cycle. In this phase, hair follicles shrink, and it spans between two to three weeks. The final phase is known as the telogen phase and think of this as the resting phase. The phases lasts for two to four months and towards the phase ending, hair falls out.
This is the normal cycle of hair growth, but there are many people who experience hair loss which deviates from this norm.

The Different Reasons for Hair Loss:

- Hair loss could be caused by being exposed to abrasive substances such as chemotherapy, radiation, and other medications. This type of hair loss happens swiftly and could cause permanent hair loss, which, unfortunately, is untreatable. This type of hair loss is known as Anagen effluvium.

- Telogen effluvium is another type of hair loss which is a result of too many hair follicles reaching the hair loss stage. Hair loss of this nature is usually induced by extreme emotional and physical stress, hormone imbalances and certain medications. This type of hair loss is treatable.

- The most common reasons for excessive hair loss are caused by the type of hairstyles you choose to wear and the hair products you are using. Fortunately, if this is the reason for your hair loss, there are many preventative measures which you can take.

Tips to Prevent Hair Loss:

- Purchase products for hair loss in South Africa. Find the best suppliers near you and invest in products specifically aimed at treating hair loss and restoring hair growth. You should notice the difference in no time!

- Ensure your diet is filled with the necessary nutrients to aid and stimulate hair growth.

- Avoid abrasive hair styling tools and hairstyles. Try and refrain from consistently styling your hair in a way which tugs at your scalp. Tight hair styles and excessive heat applied to hair damages hair follicles and cause hair loss.

- Giving your scalp a massage every so often will not only alleviate stress, but the stimulation encourages circulation which stimulates hair growth.

From all that has been mentioned above, it is evident that implementing simple changes to your hair care routine could actually restore hair growth and remove hair loss as a stressor in your life!

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