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Lives in  New York United States · Born on August 17
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As far as our economy is concerned, we still live in the 18th century in at least one way - next to petroleum, coffee still happens to be the most manically traded staple on our markets. And it had better be - we buy coffee as much as we buy bottled water in this country. Coffee is that popular. Now we all know about what the most sought-after coffees are called - they come with names like Colombian or Arabica. But as well-loved as these are, are these of best coffee bean varieties in the world? Certainly, Starbucks and specialty coffee dealers will sell you far more expensive kinds of coffee than these. Gourmet coffee lovers, the self-styled connoisseurs, go after brews by the obscure region of the world that the beans are grown in. They don't just sit down and absently sip at a cup of coffee while watching TV. To look at them taste their coffee, you would they were at a wine tasting event. And there is no coffee creamer that could satisfy their sensitive taste buds. To them, the best coffee bean varieties have to be tasted in their purest form - black, unsweetened, uncreamed.

Where does one even find coffee beans like these? They sell for $100 a pound or more, and you'll find them in limited quantities at online specialty dealers. Little elves must sit on toadstools and package the best coffee bean examples wearing little velvet gloves. Let's look at the names they go by (the coffee beans, not the elves).

Starting at the top - at $150 a pound, there is an Indonesian coffee variety that they are crazy about in Australia. It's called the Kopi Luwak. The less you know about how this coffee gets made, the better. They feed the coffee berries to civets, little tree-dwelling critters, that eat the stuff up like candy. They don't digest the coffee beans though - only the flesh of the berries. The beans pass through their systems and come out the other end, apparently a lot better-tasting for the torturous trip they take. People make fun of people who like their civet poop coffee. But to admirers of the Kopi Luwak variety, this coffee is no laughing matter.

If $150 a pound seems slightly over-the-top for a few cups of coffee, how about trying something far more reasonable? The Panama coffee variety Hacienda la Esmeralda Geisha is a special kind of bean. It's a treasured shade-grown variety of coffee - it only grows in the shape of certain kinds of fruit trees. This is coffee that has a special fruity flavor, and people treasure it so much, they'll pay more than $90 a pound for it. If you would do anything for the best coffee bean except pay those kinds of prices for it, there is one last resort for you - the chocolatey flavor of the St. Helena coffee imported from Africa. The chocolatey hint makes it a popular gourmet choice with young people, and it's a relief to them no doubt that no animals are involved in their production.

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