by Axel Rondon
If you are losing your erection, or are starting to have problems with erection that can lead to a complete lack of erection, or if you are already thinking about how to improve your erection, then this article will be extremely useful to you.
Erection: How does it happen?
The term "erection" comes from the Latin "erigo", "erectum" - to straighten, to raise. Erection is a unique phenomenon based on a complex mechanism, the main role in which belongs to the vessels that bring blood to the cavernous and spongy bodies.
During sexual stimulation, arousal originating in the brain spreads along the spinal nerves to the penis, in the cells of which a powerful vasodilator substance is produced - NITRIC OXIDE. Also you may have a question "can i buy motilium over the counter".
As a result of increased blood flow (and at the same time temporary cessation of outflow) during sexual arousal, the penis increases in volume and becomes elastic.
Why do erectile dysfunction problems occur?
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfying sexual activity.
If previously the main cause of erectile dysfunction was considered to be various psychological problems, now this opinion has changed - it has been proven that erectile dysfunction in almost 80% of cases occurs as a complication of various, primarily vascular, diseases.
In men with high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, erectile dysfunction ( erectile dysfunction ) occurs 4 times more often than in healthy people.
Erection problems with arterial hypertension
Arteries are vessels that deliver blood to all organs and tissues.
High blood pressure damages the walls of the vessels, they become inelastic, and as a result, blood flows to the organs (including the penis) with difficulty. Two out of three hypertensive patients experience problems with erection. Some medications used to treat hypertension can independently lead to erectile dysfunction.
Erection problems with high cholesterol. Cholesterol is a natural fatty substance used by the body to build cells and produce hormones.
But excess cholesterol leads to the formation of plaques and blood clots in the arteries. If a plaque blocks the lumen of the heart artery, a heart attack occurs, and if the lumen of the penile artery, ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION develops. The normal cholesterol content in the blood is < 5 mmol / l.
Three main male vessels
The diameter of the penile artery is only 1-2 mm, as a result, even a small cholesterol plaque can completely block its lumen, while the arteries of the heart and brain can be passable.
Erectile dysfunction is the earliest symptom of vascular damage.
Did you know that erectile dysfunction is called "ISCHEMIC DISEASE BELOW THE BELT?"
How does diabetes affect erectile function?
Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which high blood glucose levels damage not only the vascular wall, but also the nerve endings, resulting in decreased penile sensitivity. DIABETIC NEUROPATHY is an additional risk factor for erectile dysfunction. The
incidence of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes reaches 58-60%.
If blood sugar levels are not controlled, the risk of erectile problems increases.
Does prostatitis affect potency?
The prostate gland is a very important organ, it is not by chance that it is called the SECOND HEART of a man. The prostate produces a secretion that is part of sperm. The prostate gland does not take direct part in the erection process. But pain in the perineum, urination problems, of course, prevent a man from being sexually active.
Erection Problems - Lifestyle Problems
Smoking causes vascular spasm, making it difficult for blood to flow at the right moment to the organ that should be the subject of male strength and pride.
87% of men with erectile dysfunction are heavy smokers.
Ethanol, being essentially a toxic substance, practically kills the nerve endings of the penis. In men who drink, testosterone, the hormone that determines male strength, decreases rapidly.
There is no need to prove that overeating and a sedentary lifestyle lead to obesity. Particularly “harmful” is the fat that is deposited on the stomach. It is the extra centimeters of the waist that are the cause of high cholesterol, diabetes and arterial hypertension - the main enemies of an erection!
Can erectile dysfunction be cured?
This question is probably asked by every second man who has addressed this problem. You also hear: "Maybe I'll take some course of treatment, and then everything will be restored?"
The thing is that in most cases ED is a vascular disease.
And if problems with erection appeared against the background of high blood pressure or vascular atherosclerosis, then, most likely, it will not be possible to get rid of ED like a cold.
But it is certainly possible and necessary to improve the quality of erection.
How to improve erection?
Achieve lower blood cholesterol
Is it possible to improve potency without medication?
Quit smoking, because now you know that nicotine narrows the blood vessels that feed not only your heart and brain, but also your genitals.
Give up alcohol!
Reduce your blood cholesterol, because it prevents your blood vessels from “breathing”. Strive for “target” blood pressure levels (not > 130/80 mm Hg)
Move more! An active lifestyle is not just words, active people are actually active in bed, and you will notice an improvement in your erection.
And most importantly, try more often! To have sex, you need to have it!
Erection: How does it happen?
The term "erection" comes from the Latin "erigo", "erectum" - to straighten, to raise. Erection is a unique phenomenon based on a complex mechanism, the main role in which belongs to the vessels that bring blood to the cavernous and spongy bodies.
During sexual stimulation, arousal originating in the brain spreads along the spinal nerves to the penis, in the cells of which a powerful vasodilator substance is produced - NITRIC OXIDE. Also you may have a question "can i buy motilium over the counter".
As a result of increased blood flow (and at the same time temporary cessation of outflow) during sexual arousal, the penis increases in volume and becomes elastic.
Why do erectile dysfunction problems occur?
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfying sexual activity.
If previously the main cause of erectile dysfunction was considered to be various psychological problems, now this opinion has changed - it has been proven that erectile dysfunction in almost 80% of cases occurs as a complication of various, primarily vascular, diseases.
In men with high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, high cholesterol, erectile dysfunction ( erectile dysfunction ) occurs 4 times more often than in healthy people.
Erection problems with arterial hypertension
Arteries are vessels that deliver blood to all organs and tissues.
High blood pressure damages the walls of the vessels, they become inelastic, and as a result, blood flows to the organs (including the penis) with difficulty. Two out of three hypertensive patients experience problems with erection. Some medications used to treat hypertension can independently lead to erectile dysfunction.
Erection problems with high cholesterol. Cholesterol is a natural fatty substance used by the body to build cells and produce hormones.
But excess cholesterol leads to the formation of plaques and blood clots in the arteries. If a plaque blocks the lumen of the heart artery, a heart attack occurs, and if the lumen of the penile artery, ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION develops. The normal cholesterol content in the blood is < 5 mmol / l.
Three main male vessels
The diameter of the penile artery is only 1-2 mm, as a result, even a small cholesterol plaque can completely block its lumen, while the arteries of the heart and brain can be passable.
Erectile dysfunction is the earliest symptom of vascular damage.
Did you know that erectile dysfunction is called "ISCHEMIC DISEASE BELOW THE BELT?"
How does diabetes affect erectile function?
Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which high blood glucose levels damage not only the vascular wall, but also the nerve endings, resulting in decreased penile sensitivity. DIABETIC NEUROPATHY is an additional risk factor for erectile dysfunction. The
incidence of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes reaches 58-60%.
If blood sugar levels are not controlled, the risk of erectile problems increases.
Does prostatitis affect potency?
The prostate gland is a very important organ, it is not by chance that it is called the SECOND HEART of a man. The prostate produces a secretion that is part of sperm. The prostate gland does not take direct part in the erection process. But pain in the perineum, urination problems, of course, prevent a man from being sexually active.
Erection Problems - Lifestyle Problems
Smoking causes vascular spasm, making it difficult for blood to flow at the right moment to the organ that should be the subject of male strength and pride.
87% of men with erectile dysfunction are heavy smokers.
Ethanol, being essentially a toxic substance, practically kills the nerve endings of the penis. In men who drink, testosterone, the hormone that determines male strength, decreases rapidly.
There is no need to prove that overeating and a sedentary lifestyle lead to obesity. Particularly “harmful” is the fat that is deposited on the stomach. It is the extra centimeters of the waist that are the cause of high cholesterol, diabetes and arterial hypertension - the main enemies of an erection!
Can erectile dysfunction be cured?
This question is probably asked by every second man who has addressed this problem. You also hear: "Maybe I'll take some course of treatment, and then everything will be restored?"
The thing is that in most cases ED is a vascular disease.
And if problems with erection appeared against the background of high blood pressure or vascular atherosclerosis, then, most likely, it will not be possible to get rid of ED like a cold.
But it is certainly possible and necessary to improve the quality of erection.
How to improve erection?
Achieve lower blood cholesterol
Is it possible to improve potency without medication?
Quit smoking, because now you know that nicotine narrows the blood vessels that feed not only your heart and brain, but also your genitals.
Give up alcohol!
Reduce your blood cholesterol, because it prevents your blood vessels from “breathing”. Strive for “target” blood pressure levels (not > 130/80 mm Hg)
Move more! An active lifestyle is not just words, active people are actually active in bed, and you will notice an improvement in your erection.
And most importantly, try more often! To have sex, you need to have it!