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You should know about the new version of Path of Exile

In this new version, you will get a completely new gaming experience. This time, the developer Grinding Gear boldly Combine RPG and tower defense to a popular dark theme RPG game. Path of Exile is completely free, including its updates, and developers have not reduced the quality of the game because the game is free, or reduce the update, developers have been trying hard, bold innovation, hoping to bring better works to Players. As a loyal fan, we will always support the road to exile! Also, if you need Path of Exile Currency, I recommend to you. My friend recommended this website, I think it is perfect.

In the upcoming epidemic alliance, players can find a small tower defense mission in each area. After completing these missions, players will receive a generous reward. This mission comes from a plague recently popular in the mainland. Fungal infections, and the solution is to attach a large siphon to the fungus to squeeze out their mushroom oil, during which the blight will command the monster along a specific path to attack these, your task is to protect these tool.

NPC-Cassia sisters can help you build some defensive towers. These towers have different effects and can help you deal with those monsters. When you successfully defend once, you will get a generous reward for you.

This version update also includes some adjustments to the original content, the balance of the three heroes has been balanced, and a series of new adjustments, the new version has been updated, the specific update details you can go to the game Experience. Buy POE Currency at may be more helpful for your exploration.
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